What are the Different Causes of Breast Lumps?

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Causes for breast lumps in women vary. Some causes are harmless and the lumps go away naturally or by some simple methods of treatment while some may be extremely dangerous and result in breast cancer. Needless to say that most of the breast lumps are benign in nature and they do not pose any risk to breast cancer. But it is mandatory to test for the non-malignancy of every type of breast lump to ensure the safe and healthy condition of the individual.

Breast lumps can form due to infection, injuries, non-cancerous growth and due to cancer.

The malignant lumps lead to breast cancer and this form of cancer stands second among the cancer-related deaths in women in the US. With improved screening and techniques in breast cancer treatment, the situation seems to be little bit assuring as the number of deaths is in decline.

Breast lumps from infection

Infection can cause breast lumps in lactating women, a condition known as mastitis. During breastfeeding the skin of the nipple and the surrounding area gets cracked or injured providing the entry for bacteria to cause infection. Sometimes the milk ducts get clogged leading to the hardening of breasts forming lumps that are painful. Pus formation occurs forming an abscess and the skin becomes red. These can be treated easily with antibiotics unless the infection is deep-rooted.

Breast lumps due to injuries

Breast lumps can also be caused due to any physical shock in the breast as the tiny blood vessels rupture forming blood clots localized to a particular area. Severe shock can damage the fatty tissues of the breast causing necrosis and form benign lumps.

Benign growths causing breast lumps

Breast cysts are benign growths commonly found in women those who are approaching menopause. Hormonal imbalances are responsible for the formation of breast cysts. These are fluid-filled sacs dilating the ducts resulting in painful and oval-shaped lumps. These cysts occur before the start of the menstrual period and subside when the period is over.

Fibroadenomas are solid, firm benign tumors that are painless and observed in women aged between 30-35 years. This type of breast lumps usually grows during pregnancy or in teenagers. These lumps are formed due to the excessive growth of the glandular and connective tissues in the breast. They generally subside of their own or removed by surgical operations.

Fibrocystic changes occur with the formation of many lumps of uneven sizes. Due to hormonal fluctuations, these cysts result as the secretive ducts get blocked. Tenderness and pain in the breasts are observed.

The silver lining is that most of the breast lumps are benign in nature and result mainly due to the hormonal changes in women at different stages of life. But any type of lump should not be overlooked but must be evaluated properly to confirm its non-malignancy.

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